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Sample Cases


Personal Injury

Wrongful Death -

  • Five year old boy killed when industrial security gate fell on him. 


Trip & Fall –​

  • Case against City of Oakland and other parties involving negligently maintained sidewalk causing a fall and broken femur.

Pedestrian -

  • College student struck in a crosswalk in Concord suffering multiple fractures.

Motorcycle –

  • Client was disabled from collision due to misleading City signage causing dangerous condition of public property.

Automobile –

  • Automobile collision caused by a drunk driver causing client to suffer severe injuries and permanent scarring.

Uninsured Motorist –

  • Large truck tire on Highway 37 crashed through the windshield of client's car resulting in lengthy hospitalization.

Hot Air Balloon -

  • Negligent maintenance and operation of a hot air balloon caused balloon to rapidly descend causing injuries to European tourists. 



Employment Law

Discrimination –

  • A school administrator was exposed to age and gender discrimination at the hands of a newly hired Superintendent of Schools.

Sexual Harassment/Retaliation –

  •  A female computer engineer in Silicon Valley was subjected to sexual harassment and demoted in retaliation by a new Regional Manager despite 17 years of employment.

Age Discrimination –

  •  A newly hired Academic Dean demoted a college professor without cause in violation of the professor’s employment contract. 


Severance Agreements –

  • Countless severance pay agreements negotiated for middle and upper level managers, despite “at-will” disclaimers in employee handbooks. 


Wage & Hour Hearings - 

  • Successfully defended San Francisco 
    restaurant in Labor Commissioner hearing against unfounded claims of unpaid overtime.  


Employment Agreements –

  • Numerous employment agreements prepared on behalf of small companies for their executive employees.  

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